March 27, Mansion Trails, Ellensburg

Escaped the rain at Snoqualmie Pass to check out some new trails that have been recently built above Ellensburg.  Trailhead is the same, off of Cove Rd., but in addition to the existing hiking trails, several miles of signed mountain bike trails have been added.  The main trail, Chest Pains, provides about a 4 mile climb of 1,200 feet to the top of the ridge, where it connects into the green dot road system.  From the parking area, head straight up, across the irrigation ditch veering slightly left, pass a main trail on the right, stay left and you should start traversing left.  New trails are all signed.  Rode Chest Pains, Silver Pelvis Loop.  Passed the bottom and top of RIP Line on our left.  Once at the top, we had to hustle back down as the spring showers were approaching.  Got hit with some hail on our descent back down Chest Pains.  Went left on Oh Deer.  When that hit the doubletrack, we opted for that instead of the trails, and hightailed it back to the car.  Approx. 9 miles.

Trail is very narrow, very new.  Will be interesting to see how it develops.  Hopefully the horses will stay away, especially while wet.

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